In which I visit the Frog Pond
I've been knitting away on my FIRST. EVER. SWEATER. and I am so in love with it!
Look at this wonderful shoulder that took shape!
Look at the expanse of back stitches I've accomplished!
Look at this hideous, insidious, evil extra stitch turned ladder down the middle of the back that I ran into last night which made me weep :(
Rip-It! Rip-It! Rip-It!
Look at the sad little ball of yarn after I ripped out the ENTIRE sweater thus far to start over again :(
Off to cast-on again.
PS - All the above pictures? Taken in my lunchroom by my lousy cameraphone! Guess I found THE place to take good pictures with that thing, lol.
oh my gosh. .. that stinks. too bad you couldn't pick up the ladder and hide the stitch!